Friday, April 21, 2006

Internet Marketing Seminars: Six Easy Ways To Get The Most Out Of Internet Marketing Seminars

Six Easy Ways To Get The Most Out Of Internet Marketing Seminars

I find this article at written by Willie Crawford.

He suggested 6 points which are really good for the newbies like us....

1) Find out who's going to be there in advance by asking
around. Arrange to get together with specific individuals
beforehand, so that... in all the excitement you don't forget
to meet specific people. Either have a specific idea in mind
you want to discuss with them, or just explore what projects
the two of you are working on individually, so that you can
see how you might help each other.

2) Bring your digital camera and take lots of pictures. You
can later use these pictures on your blogs, on your websites,
etc. It always help to have pictures showing who you know or
are personal friends with. After the seminar, many of these
people really will be your friends. You'll actually be able
to pick up the phone and give them a call.

Extra tip - After taking digital photos with them, follow up
with a nice greeting card telling them how nice it was to meet
them. Include the photo you took WITH them in the card. I do
this using the service at:

It costs me less than $1.50 each to send the cards above with
the photos. To show you how easy and effective this is, I'll
even pay for your first two cards ;-)

Just drop me an email with your name and mailing address and
I'll set it up for you. Do this BEFORE the seminar so that you
can take the photos at the seminar, and by the time they get
back home from the seminar, the card is waiting for them. Use
my email of

3) Bring a portable tape recorder, or better yet, a digital
recorder that records direct to MP3. Interview a few people
while at the seminar... after-hours, on breaks, etc. You've
just created a nice audio product that you can use as a very
unique bonus.

You could also sell these recordings as a stand-alone product.

Be sure to write out an outline, or pre-coordinate the questions
you're going to ask beforehand, to make the recording more
professional sounding.

4) Take lots of business cards, and give one to everyone that
you meet. More importantly, get a card from EVERYONE that you
meet. When you get back home, add them to your contact manager.
Then, follow-up with an email, a call, or a nice card. You're
not looking for immediate deals here per se. Instead, you're
looking at developing long-term business relationships.

5) When chatting with people you meet, there is the tendency to
want to tell them all about YOU and your projects. Instead, let
them do most of the talking! Listen intently to what they say,
and try to think of ways that you can help them. If you see a
way that you can help them, make a note, and then DO IT! This
sets in motion the Law of Reciprocity.

Later, when they think of you, they will remember that you were a
"VERY interesting person." They won't necessarily remember why.
The reason will be because you were interested in them.

6) Make a list of things that you are going to do as soon as you
get back home. Keep this list fairly short so that it's not
overwhelming. Make a second list of things that you will do
within the first month or two after getting back home. Things
can move from one list to the next as the seminar progresses. The
whole key is to have a plan of action and then implement it!

You may want to implement some tips that you pick up while you’re
still at the seminar. If you want to get a jump on the
competition, and implement something before everyone is doing it,
go ahead and start working on it in the middle of the night... in
your hotel room!

Do you like this article? I think it is really good!

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